The award will be given annually to a Female member who exhibits one or more of the following.


The Process


The nomination form will be linked in the newsletter and our website, as well as reproduced within the newsletter.

Nominations will be received by any member of the executive who will circulate the nominations received to all of the Executive.  The Executive will keep a file and will present the file to the Award Committee.

The President will call a meeting of the Executive to set a date for the Meeting of the Award Committee

The Award Committee will review all nominations and determine the annual winner . The Award Committee will consist of; the Past President, President, Vice President Secretary and Treasurer of the Club, or any other members asked in case of a conflict of interest. A quorum will be 3 voting members of the Award Committee.

The winner to be announced at our Christmas Party. A simple majority vote will determine the winner.

 All submissions due by October 1st annually.

Past Recipients

1989 Joan Preece

1990 Marg Long

1992 Sandra Witczak

1993 Marg Long

1997 Donna Graham

1998 Donna Graham

1996 Gale Faulkner

1997 Gale Faulkner

1998 Gale Faulkner

1999 Gale Faulkner

2000 Gale Faulkner

2001 Donna Graham

2002 Donna Graham

2003 Donna Graham

2006 Susan Lusted

2007 Susan Lusted

2008 Susan Lusted

2024 Barb Gibson
